With Such Answers Who Needs Questions?!

Where is the logic behind saying two blessings on Tefillin, and then “Baruch Shem”?

When every Rema is zealously defended, we end up with the Aruch Hashulchan — like that on Orach Chaim 25:10 – 13.

I can’t copy it all. Here is an excerpt:

אינו מובן כלל, דממה נפשך: אם הדבר מרופה בידינו, דלכן יאמר “ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד”, למה לנו לברך שתים? נברך אחת כדין כל ספק ברכות. ואם הדין ברור בידינו, אם כן למה לנו לומר “ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד”? ובאמת הלבוש השמיט זה. (וגם הב”ח פקפק בזה, והמעדני יום טוב כתב שהוא לרווחא דמילתא. וצריך עיון.)

ולעניות דעתי נראה דאמירת “ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד” אינו מטעם ספק ברכה אלא מטעם אחר. ואף שהפוסקים כתבו שהוא מטעם זה, מכל מקום המנהג נראה לי מטעם אחר: דהנה כבר דקדקנו דאיך אפשר לברך שתי ברכות על דבר אחד?

ולכן נראה לי דברכת “על מצות תפילין” היא ברכת הודאה כמו שכתבתי מקודם, בהיות מצוה זו הקשר הגדול שמקשר את ישראל לאביהם שבשמים. לזה אנו מברכים ברכת הודאה, להודות להשם יתברך על הטוב הזה. ובהיות שעיקר הקשר הוא בפסוק “שמע ישראל”, ולכן אנו אומרים “ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד” כמו שיעקב אבינו ענה כן בעת שהשבטים אמרו “שמע ישראל”, כדאיתא בפסחים (נו א).

וראיה לזה מלשון “תפילין” עצמה, שכתב הטור לשון “פלילה”, שהן אות ועדות לכל רואינו שהשכינה שורה עלינו… עד כאן לשונו. וזהו פירושו: דעל מצות תפילין, כלומר על מה שהשם יתברך התחבר אלינו – אנו נותנים לו יתברך שבח והודיה על זה.

One Form of Silly Chumra

Several Achronim have bent over backwards to justify the “custom” of redoing Kiddushin at a “Chupas Niddah”.

First of all, the Rambam doesn’t speak of Kiddishin but Nissuin. Second, and more important, is the Gemara in Gittin 5b:

בר הדיא בעי לאתויי גיטא אתא לקמיה דרבי אחי דהוה ממונה אגיטי אמר ליה צריך אתה לעמוד על כל אות ואות אתא לקמיה דרבי אמי ורבי אסי אמרי ליה לא צריכת וכי תימא אעביד לחומרא נמצא אתה מוציא לעז על גיטין הראשונים

I’ll bet the evil “Minhag Yisra’el Torah” series part five (?) justifies this.

Rafi Farber: Why I’m Running for Zehut Primaries

Gambling as the canary, Why I’m running for Israel’s parliament

I’m running for a seat in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, and any Jewish person in the world can vote for me, Israeli citizen or not. Seriously. Before I explain exactly how, here’s why I’m running.

Gambling as the canary, Why I’m running for Israel’s parliamentArguably the most famous Holocaust poem ever written was penned by a Lutheran Pastor. His name was Martin Niemöller. You’ve probably heard his poem before. It starts like this:

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.”

It continues with trade unionists, then Jews, “Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.” It’s one of those things they make you memorize as a kid, especially a Jewish kid in Jewish day school.

I’m not a gambler, at least not the casino or games of chance or poker type. But I know the poem, and I’m aware enough to know that they come for the gamblers first. They – the ruling class who make their living taxing our work, telling us how to live our lives, how much we have to pay them, who we have to bomb and who we have to hate, who can work in what industry for how much, printing money and devaluing our paychecks when they run out of cash.

They clothe their rationalizations in moralizing terms to make you think they care about you. Gambling is dangerous, they say. It has to be regulated and taxed, they say. So that it is not abused. And by the way, the regulatory fees and taxes all go to them and their budgets, which are never balanced anyway. The ones who get the exclusive licenses to do business without being arrested always have a man on the inside, donating to campaigns, lobbying, buying influence.

First they come for the gamblers, because they’re the easiest to rob, without much backlash. People like Chris Christie, who last year strong-armed Atlantic City casinos by threatening to close them down, taxed them an extra $120 million in order to bail out his bankrupt city government buddies. They spent too much again. Oops. Let’s take more money from the casinos first then. And now, the moralizer is caught sun bathing with his family at a government-owned beach he closed to the public because his buddies in Trenton spent too much again. Oops.

“Did you get any sun today?” he was asked.

“I didn’t. I didn’t get any sun today,” he said.

And then the photos. Oops. And then we’re told he wasn’t lying because, “He had a baseball hat on.” Then he went back to his taxpayer funded beach house to take a shower. His water bill is paid by taxpayers, too. But trust him. Gambling is immoral.

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From Calvin Ayre, here.

All It Takes Is Spine

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Challenge Orthodoxy

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Most ideas are wrong and are poorly argued. Most thinkers make foundational errors in their own subject matter. Nobody deserves intellectual deference, and nobody is beyond criticism.

I don’t care how many accolades somebody has received. I don’t care how well-respected they are amongst their colleagues. Chances are, they are fundamentally mistaken about their own subject matter.

Georg Cantor was wrong, and he was literally crazy. He died in an asylum. His supposed proof of the “multiple sizes of infinity” is laughable garbage that I consider to be the greatest intellectual catastrophe of all time.


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From YouTube, here.