לא לאכול צ’ולנט בליל שבת

ים של שלמה גיטין פרק ד’ סימן ג’:
תו מסקינן בסוגיא (ל”ח ע”ב) אמר רבה, בהני תלת מילי נחתי בעלי בתים מנכסיהון, דמפקי עבדי לחירות’, פי’ ועברו בעשה. ודסיירי נכסייהו, שדותיהן, בשבת, לידע מה הן צריכין, ודקבעי סעודייהו בשבת, בעידן בי מדרשא. פי’ שהחכם דורש לרבים בשבת, והם יושבין בסעודות, והיה להם להקדים או לאחר, דאמר ר’ חייא בר אבא א”ר יוחנן, שתי משפחות היו בירושלים, אחת קבעה סעודתא בשבת, ואחת קבעה סעודתא בערב שבת, ושתיהן נעקרו, ופי’ רש”י, בערב שבת, בליל שבת, ואין כאן כבוד שבת, דק”ל כבוד יום קודם לכבוד לילה, והם היו מתכוונים לשם מצוה, בשביל בטול בית המדרש, ואיכא דמפרש. בערב שבת ממש, וכן בכל יום, מרוב עשרם. אבל בהא מיהו איכא איסורא שיכנס לשבת כשהוא שבע, בלא תאוה. עד כאן.
ויש לחוש לשני הפירושים, כי שניהם כאחד טובים, ובפרט מאחר שנעקרו משפחות עליה, מי לא יחוש להחמיר. ומעתה אני קורא תגר על בני עמי זרע קודש שומרי שבת, שאינם נזהרים בזה, ויהי נקל בעיניהם להשוות סעודת בקר לסעודת ערב, אלא מוסיפים בסעודה בליל שבת במיני תבשילין מסעודת בוקר, ואוכלים בליל שבת דגים טובים, שהיא עיקר הסעודות בענין הכיבוד, ובבקר בסעודת שחרית נמי, מכל מקום השוו הסעודות, ואנו צריכים לכבד השבת בבקר יותר, משם כבוד יום, שהוא עיקר. ומיום עמדי על דעתי זאת גדרתי בעצמי שלא לאכול דגים בליל שבת, שהוא דבר חשוב ומסוים, ואוכל אני אותם בבקר, ואז אפילו יעשו בליל שבת כמה מעדנים לא יושוו לסעודת שחרית, שיש בה דגים. ובפרק כל כתבי סימן י”ז הארכתי בזה, עיין שם.

Avigdor and the Avoda Zara

There was a recent ‘incident’ between the representatives of two regimes; Avigdor Lieberman and Kim Jong-un.

Here are the highlights from Haaretz:

North Korea lashed out at Israel on Saturday after Israel’s defense minister called the hermit kingdom’s regime a “crazy and radical group,” blamed it of being an ally of Syria’s Assad and the Lebanese group Hezbollah and said growing tensions between the U.S. and Pyongyang have “direct implications” for Israel.

A statement released by the North Korean Foreign Ministry called Avigdor Lieberman’s statement “reckless” and a form of “sordid and wicked behavior” that posed a “grave challenge to the DPRK.”

In response, the North Koreans threatened, “it is the steadfast will and spirit of the service personnel and people of the DPRK to give merciless, thousand-fold punishment to whoever dares hurt the dignity of its supreme leadership.”

According to foreign reports, North Korea was also involved in helping Syria build a nuclear reactor, which was destroyed in an attack attributed to Israel in 2007.

Needless to say, Lieberman was attacked by his political opponents:

“Mr. Defense Minister, we have enough enemies in the region let’s focus on them,” Labor lawmaker Shelly Yachimovich tweeted.

Lieberman’s predecessor, Moshe Ya’alon, accused the defense minister of “prattling irresponsibly about North Korea.” Referring to past hawkish remarks made by Lieberman, Ya’alon tweeted: “After bombing the Aswan Dam, ousting Hamas, and taking out Ismail Haniyeh within 48 hours, the minister of talk is prattling irresponsibly about North Korea.”

“And there’s no prime minister to call his prattling and belligerent ministers to order!” he added.

Now, diplomacy is better than warmongering, pols have no right to free speech, and Lieberman was “moving his lips” aplenty, of course. However, it’s important to remember that the dishonorable Kim Jong-un is one of North Korea’s false deities (like the biblical Pharaoh). As such, he must be ridiculed if possible (same as the Unholy Poop, by the way), see Megillas Esther.

Ba’al Hatanya: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson Is Not Mashiach

Quote from Mr. Litvak:

The Alter Rebbe of the Lubavitch, R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi, is reported to have said, surprisingly, that Moshiach will be a Misnaged (not a Chassid), giving the following explanation.

If Moshiach will be a Chassid, the Litvaks (Misnagdim) won’t accept him. But if he will be a Misnaged, the Chassidim will accept him anyway, since Chassidim are (allegedly) ‘kabbolas ol’niks’ (בני קבלת עול).

See the rest (Hyehudi has dealt with this in the past, e.g., here).

Don’t Tip the State!

The “Taxation Is Theft” Meme Has Officially Gone Mainstream

Op-Ed by Alice Salles

The month of April is a nightmare for anyone with a conscience, as we only have until “tax day” — which usually falls on April 15 — to give the taxman what he says he deserves. So if you pay taxes to Uncle Sam and you’re also aware you’re paying for mass murder in the Middle East and in U.S. streets due to the drug war, you should also feel sick to your stomach as you write that check.

To a restaurant customer, this may have served as enough incentive to remind his server that taxation is always immoral — but he didn’t stop there.

Last week, a customer at a Missouri restaurant gave the waitress a “personal gift” instead of a tip, writing the now popular line “Taxation is theft” in the tip section of the receipt.

In a second note, the fiscally conscious customer added:

This is not a tip. This is a personal gift and not subject to federal or state income taxes.

With major progressive news outlets like ATTN: reporting on this story, left-leaning reporters started to debate wages in the food and service industries, discussing the fact that tips end up being factored as wages, meaning they are always taxable.

But as that discussion developed, reporters were quick to realize that when personal gifts are in the mix, the taxman can’t take part of those earnings away. After all, a gift would have to exceed $13,000 to be subject to taxation, meaning that even if the customer had spent hundreds, the “personal gift” would not amount to anything close to the requirements stipulated by the IRS.

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From Activist Post, here.