‘We Wanted the Best, but It Turned Out Like Always’

What’s been popular recently on Hyehudi.org:

Rabbi Tzvi Kushelevsky is now a hot property. I think the searchers were looking for this:

קו השגחה פרטית: ראיון עם אבי הבן, הגאון ר”צ קושלבסקי שליט”א

Walter E. (Ze’ev) Block EXCLUSIVE for Hyehudi: Cops and Robbers

Cops and Robbers (914 words)

By Walter E. Block

Should there be a cease-fire between the cops and the robbers? No. The cops should never cease to put the robbers in jail. Should there be a pause in the efforts of the police to stop the rapists? Should the former make peace with the latter, and no longer catch them and send them to the courts for punishment? No. The police should continue, to their level best, to bring rapists, all of them, to justice. What about the sheriff and his deputies in their goal of eradicating murder by arresting those responsible? Should there be a “humanitarian” end to their efforts to call a halt these unjustifiable killings? Maybe the murderers should be given a state of their own from whence they can launch their future attacks on their victims? Of course not.

These questions are stupid, silly, ridiculous, foolish, deranged and unhinged. Not even a three year old child would ask them. Every sensible person would look upon these questions as some sort of a sick joke. We all know that if we are to have a civilized society, if we are to promote human flourishing, if justice is to be attained, the forces of law and order must never cease. Given human nature, their efforts to root out criminality must continue.

Hamas is a criminal organization. They use tunnels to spring forth and murder innocent people. They place rocket launchers in schools and hospitals, using as shields the very people they are sworn to protect. They are not above a bit of rape, more than just a bit. If there were any doubt about their moral stature, the events of October 7, 2023 should have put paid to all such forevermore.

No, I take that back. Hamas is far worse than a mere criminal gang. Far worse. They are terrorists. At least an ordinary murderer, after he kills someone, leaves his family alone. At least a run of the mill rapist does his evil deed and departs. He does not make a film about his depredations and brag about it to his friends. He has some vestige of decency. No mere criminal kills babies. Oh, no, Hamas deserves a special place in hell off limits for relatively agreeable ordinary criminals.

The IDF is the good cop. It is now in the process of attempting to bring Hamas to justice. This time, the Israeli military does not have in mind a mere slap on the wrist. That sort of lawnmower operation has been tried several times in the past and Hamas keeps coming back. We must acknowledge the perseverance of this terrorist organization.

What of widespread public opinion? Are the masses of people in the west, in Europe, at prestigious American universities, cheering on the good guys in this conflagration? Do they look upon the Hebrew soldiers as they would the cops stopping murderers, sheriffs corralling rapists, police arresting robbers? Alas, they do not. Even leading newspaper columnists take the very opposite point of view. Yes, they will acknowledge that the sickening behavior of October 7, 2023 was appalling. But so is the defense against a repetition of those horrid events “over the top” and unjustified.

In a massive rejection of justice, popular opinion makers now call upon the soldiers who are doing the Lord’s work to cease and desist. They claim they are guilty of, wait for it, genocide. It cannot be denied that hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent Gazans are now perishing in this attempt to eradicate Hamas. Some from bombing, some from starvation, some from a lack of shelter, health care, etc.

But whose fault are these needless deaths? Obviously, if people have not taken complete and total leave of their senses, they would lay the blame squarely where it belongs: at the feet of Hamas. Instead, all too many take the side of the robbers, rapists and murderers, not the cops who are dedicated to stopping them.

If this group of terrorists would lay down their arms and surrender, if they would release all captured hostages, not a single solitary Gazan would henceforth lose his life. These deaths would cease immediately. Has Hamas done any such thing? To ask this is to answer it: of course not. Instead, they continue to hide behind innocent Gazans, the very people in whose name they supposedly act. Several tens of thousands of them have already died, if we are to believe the statistics offered by Hamas.

All too much of the civilized world has completely taken leave of their senses. They confuse the cops and the robbers, the police and the murderers, the sheriff and the rapists. They are blaming the victim, the innocent Israelis who have been murdered and raped, and those who are struggling to ensure this occurs never again, the IDF.

Shame on you.

They call for a “humanitarian” end to the war to conquer Hamas. But this group has promised one, two, many, repetitions of the abomination of October 7. How is it humanitarian to allow monsters like that to continue in operation? How “humanitarian” is it to call for a cessation of the effort to stop them?

Imagine if, God forbid, Hamas conquered the IDF. What would be the result? It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that every single Jew in Israel would be put to the sword, with no mercy extended to any of them. Genocide? Yes, that is the middle name of Hamas. Innocent defense, is what the Israeli military is involved in.


Friedman, Thomas. 2024. “Israel Is Losing Its Greatest Asset: Acceptance.” February 27; https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/27/opinion/israel-gaza-peace-thomas-friedman.html

Stack, Megan K. 2024. “Starvation Is Stalking Gaza’s Children.” February 29


A Non-Smartphone Non-Jew Describes His Life…

Some excerpts from the London Review of Books, 15 FEBRUARY 2024:

If I need to find somewhere new, I look it up on my laptop and draw a map on a scrap of paper, or ask a black cab driver at a red traffic light. They seem increasingly bemused. If I get lost while driving, I pull over to peer at my A to Z through a credit card-sized magnifying glass. My son learned to map-read while I maintained an unpopular holding pattern on a roundabout.

… My heart sinks at a QR code menu. I either ask the hard-pressed waiter (half guilty, half indignant) to root around for a paper menu, or submit to my companion reading it out from their phone as if to a child.

I use a watch, an alarm clock, a camera and a CD player. I listen to a portable analogue radio with headphones, or download radio programmes onto a mini-MP3 player. I have a paper appointments diary and a pocket notebook with a pen. My daily newspaper lands on the mat. On holiday, I rely on guidebooks. When I was last abroad, I walked to a restaurant and made a reservation by writing my name on a napkin.

This one sounds familiar:

When someone wants to show me a photo on their phone, I count in my head how long it takes them to find it. It’s usually about two minutes. The person tries to continue the conversation while they search, but they usually can’t help also reading a message they’ve just received. I used to fill the time by babbling on. Now I sit and wait. When the tiny image is finally located, it rarely adds much. I hate phones, but I also hate the gap they open up between me and the people around me who mean well.

And this:

WhatsApp is the big one. The primary school PTA year group rep wouldn’t put announcements on email and made it clear that if I missed out, it was my problem.

So unfair!

Here’s the scary ending:

The 3G mobile signal is about to be switched off, older digital radios can no longer receive the new DAB+ signal, and landlines will soon be replaced by something called Digital Voice. At some point my refusenik status may become not just eccentric but practically impossible. I only hope a bigger backlash kicks in before then.

Basic Common Sense: Resettling Aza Arabs Elsewhere

Resettle Gazans to End the Endless War

The Biden administration thinks that a reformed Palestinian Authority (PA) could run a post-war Gaza Strip at peace with Israel, but that ignores several inconvenient facts:

1) The latest poll of Palestinian public opinion shows that the PA is deeply unpopular.

2) The same poll shows that 72% of respondents supported the massacre of October 7. But somehow a new Palestinian state in Gaza would embrace coexistence with Israel?

3) The PA has an abysmal track record of corruption and was too weak to prevent a Hamas-led coup in Gaza, less than two years after Israel’s 2005 withdrawal. So why would the PA perform any better this next time?

4) The Gaza Strip has one of the highest population densities in the world and the problem will only get worse, thanks to an estimated population growth rate of 4% (among the highest in the world).  A 2018 study by Mario Coccia found that “terrorism thrives … with high growth rates of population combined with collective identity factors and low socioeconomic development.”

5) The plan to create a post-war Palestinian state in Gaza would establish an unthinkable precedent with far-reaching consequences for global security: terrorist movements can now rape and behead their way to statehood.

6) There is no Arab or other power with the popularity, authority, and morality to educate for coexistence and to ensure that all reconstruction funds rebuild Gaza as Singapore instead of Somalia.

Yet the international community – including the U.S., EU, and U.N. – still clings to the delusional idea that if they just pressure Israel into accepting a future Palestinian state in Gaza, that the impoverished, overcrowded, and radicalized territory will suddenly flourish.

While Japan and Nazi Germany were successfully de-radicalized, that was only after the kind of absolute defeat and extended occupation that global opinion would never allow for Gaza.

Given the six inconvenient facts above, resettlement is the only solution that avoids perpetual war between Gaza and Israel.

Refugee resettlement is what normally happens to belligerents who lose wars, as Bill Maher amusingly explains in a brief historical summary that notes the many millions who have been resettled after wars in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.And there are countless other examples, including from last September, when over 100,000 Armenians had to abandon their ancestral lands in a matter of days after Azerbaijan militarily outmaneuvered Armenia (and the world hardly cared).

Why should Gazans be treated any differently after losing a war that they started? If 850,000 Jews could be forced to resettle in tiny Israel after fleeing Arab and Muslim lands where they had lived for centuries, why can’t Gazan refugees settle in some or all of the exponentially larger Arab countries?

Instead, the international community insists that Gazans stay in the overcrowded and now largely destroyed Gaza Strip, despite their hateful determination to keep attacking Israel. That’s even though leaving them in Gaza is a recipe for humanitarian disaster and endless extremism: a failed state with a fast growing population, no economy, no infrastructure, and now huge numbers of homeless. How is insisting that Gazans remain in Gaza actually helping them?

And the longer the international community coddles Palestinians with massive humanitarian aid and diplomatic pressure that prevents Israel from conclusively winning the wars that Palestinians start, the longer they’ll think that “resistance” might someday pay off – maybe by the 34th war, in the year 2075.

Why are Palestinians the only people not allowed to lose a war? What makes Gazans worthy of such preferential treatment? The Tibetans never blew up a bus in Beijing nor massacred their Chinese occupiers, and yet they must submit to China’s military superiority.  But somehow Gazans have a stronger moral claim to a state and are therefore exempt from the rules of war and history?

Adding to the absurdity of insisting that Gazans remain in Gaza, they aren’t even indigenous to that land, which has been ruled and inhabited by countless peoples over the centuries, as this brief history explains.

Most Gazans are the children or grandchildren of people who arrived as refugees. Indeed, one of the root causes of the Israel-Gaza conflict is the conviction among Gazans that they are refugees who will one day return to live in the territory of sovereign Israel. Their real desire is not to live forever in Gaza City, Khan Younis, and Rafah, but to move to Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem (after removing the Jews “from the river to the sea”).

Continue reading…

From American Thinker, here.

‘Can’t Change His Mind and Won’t Change the Subject’

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