Rabbi Mizrachi – The Jewish Trump?

On Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi’s Form of “Kiruv”

As rabbonim and mechanchim, we are greatly concerned about the popularity in some circles of a “kiruv” approach that does not bring honor to the Torah ha-Kedoshah but, on the contrary, creates considerable chilul Hashem.

Earlier this year, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi apologized for one particularly offensive statement he made on several occasions. But he has voiced, both before and since that apology, many things that reduce complex issues to simplistic and misleading sound bites. He has also repeatedly arrogated to “know” why unfortunate things happen to various people and has presented subtle statements of Chazal in superficial and deceptive ways.

That method may entertain and even stimulate some audiences, but it does no justice to the Jewish mesorah. And, especially with the worldwide audience enjoyed by any public speech these days, misleading assertions even when offered with the best of intentions, are particularly objectionable, and even dangerous.

Jewish institutions must be discerning about the credentials and the histories of those to whom they offer the honor of acting as teachers of Torah. We urge all shuls and organizations to act responsibly and take seriously decisions about whom they invite to address their gatherings.

HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz – Rosh Beit Din, Beis Din of America and Chicago Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein – Editor, Cross-Currents
Rabbi Shalom Baum – President, Rabbinical Council of America
Rabbi Yosef Benarroch – Rosh Midrasha, Midreshet Eshel Mara D’atra, Adas Yeshurun Herzliya Synagogue, Winnipeg, Canada
Rabbi Moises Benzaquen – Mara D’atra, West Coast Torah Center, Rosh Hayeshiva, Harkham Gaon Academy Los Angeles, CA
HaRav Mayer Alter Horowitz – Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim
Rabbi Joseph Dweck – Senior Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Rabbi Daniel Feldman – Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman – Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Jacob Atlanta, GA
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg – Mara D’asra, Boca Raton Synagogue Boca Raton, FL
Rabbi Micah Greenland – International Director, NCSY
HaRav Michel Twerski -Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Jehudah, Milwaukee, WI
Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky – Rosh Yeshiva, Darche Noam Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin – Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Avraham Joseph (BAYT) Toronto, Canada
Rabbi Avi Shafran – Media Liaison, Agudath Israel of America
Rabbi Yitzchak Shurin – Rosh Midrasha, Midreshet Rachel V’Chaya

From Cross-Currents, here.

What Are Tariffs?

Since mercantilism is as popular as ever, and if Trump sticks around, we will have to hear more about it, I thought we could do with a definition:


A tax imposed on goods imported from outside the country that is not imposed on similar goods from within the country. Import tariffs may be levied on an ad valorem basis, i.e., as a certain percentage of the estimated market value of the imported item; or on a “specific” basis, i.e., as a fixed dollar amount per unit imported. Import tariffs (or “duties”) may be imposed mainly for the purpose of raising revenues because they are relatively cheap and easy taxes for a small or poorly organized government to collect, but more usually in developed industrial societies they represent a tiny fraction of revenues and are imposed primarily for other reasons of economic policy. “Protective” tariffs allow domestic producers of the good in question an artificial competitive advantage over their foreign competitors (largely at the expense of domestic consumers of these products) by making it impossible for the foreign producer to sell his goods as cheaply as he otherwise would — thus allowing favored domestic producers to enjoy higher prices, a bigger market share, and bigger profits.


From A Glossary of Political Economy Terms, here.

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‘Eleven Stars’

Let’s hear it for 3×4=11

Mac Slavo, a lousy rotten twelveist (see below) wrote this horrid contribution to LRC:http://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/08/mac-slavo/3-x-4-11/. In it he made fun of that nice young woman teacher who was defending 3×4=11. Well, I have this to say about that reprobate, Slavo:

Here’s my “reasoning” as to why 3×4=11:

The number twelve is more popular than the number 11. This is unfair. We have to give equal opportunity to the number 11; we have to have affirmative action for it. This number 11 has long been discriminated against compared to 12. Twelve is divisible by all sorts of other numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. How many numbers is 11 divisible by? Just 1 and 11.  Twelve equals a dozen. Where is the equivalent for eleven? Nowhere, that’s where. Even the number 13 has an appellation: a baker’s dozen. Eleven, as usual, is left out in the cold. The poverty and unemployment rate for 11 is much higher than that for 12. Too many 11s are in jail. A disproportionate number (so to speak) of them.

This is an injustice that cries out to the heavens for redress. We have to close this unwarranted “gap” between 11 and 12. How best to do this? I’m not sure. But one way is to demand that 3×4=11! All those who oppose this modest proposal are lousy rotten twelveists. The number 11 is downtrodden by white males, mainly. 3×4=12 is just a white male hetero plot. We must overthrow this imperialism!

Mac, it’s people like you, you pig, who are the enemy of liberal progressives. No, wait, I take that back. That would be an insult to pigs. Who cares about bridges and planes; about physics and engineering. Only white male heteros. Not I, not I. My only interest is in human (well, number) rights.

It is at this point the Lew usually insists that I say this is all a joke; that I don’t mean any of this. But, this time, I refuse. I meant every word (well, number) mentioned above. Long live the number 11. Down with number 12 (if we subtract 7 from 12, we’ll get 11).

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

The United States Government Created Islamic State


Judicial Watch proved it. Under a Freedom of Information Act request, Judicial Watch was able to obtain a (heavily redacted) copy of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) directive that initiated the creation of ISIS in 2012. the DIA report states, 


Not even Judicial Watch seems to have appreciated the significance of this document, where its press release focused on the Benghazi attack. Recent releases of Hillary’s emails, moreover, confirm that taking out Assad has nothing to do with his alleged abuse of the Syrian people but because it will help Israel.

Just in case it has slipped anyone’s mind, Hillary was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Barack was inaugurated in 2008 and steps down in 2016. It happened on their watch. It could not have happened without their approval. They really did create ISIS!

The chemical attacks on Syrian citizens on 21 August 2013 was meant to justify lobbing cruise missiles into Syria. Obama was ready, but Americans were not. And when the ploy was debunked by a 50-page dossier the Russians provided to the UN, they resorted to “Plan B”, which was the creation of ISIS by the DIA.

The chemical weapons are widely believed to have been provided to the “rebels” by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, to whom the Bush family refers as “Bandar Bush”. But recent releases of Hillary’s emails suggest that she was directing the transfer of weapons from Libya to Syria and chemical weapons may have been among them.

The Benghazi attack appears to have been initiated because Ambassador Christ Stevens was concerned that some of the weapons being sent to Syria could be used against the civilian population. The Obama administration has stonewalled inquiries as to whether Benghazi had anything to do with transferring weapons to the rebels. That means “Yes!”

The signs have been there right along the way, but the media has not been reporting them. Here are some of the facts reported in a recent study about ISIS:

* On 23 February 2015, *FARS* reported that the (much maligned) Iraqi Army had downed 2 UK cargo planes carrying weapons for ISIS, which was among the first signs that things were not as the world was being told by Western—and especially US—news sources.

* On 1 March 2015, *FARS* reported that Iraqi popular forces are known as “Al-Hashad Al-Shabi” shot down a US helicopter carrying weapons for ISIL in Al-Anbar province of which they had photographs.

* On 10 April 2015, *Press TV* reported that, in response to a request by Syrian that ISIL be named a terrorist organization, the US, Britain, France, and Jordan refused, which was rather baffling on its face.

Photographs were appearing contemporaneously showing ISIS members sporting “US Army” tattoos, which the American media has yet to acknowledge. Confirm this for yourself by searching for “ISIS members sporting US Army tattoos” online.

On 19 May 2015, Brad Hoof of levantreport.com, “2012 Defense intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime”, based upon the release of a selection of formerly classified documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the US Department of Defense and Department of State.

On 22 June 2015, ex-CIA contractor, Steven Kelley, explained the US “created ISIL for sake of Israel” and to have a “never-ending war” in the Middle East, which would make the countries there “unable to stand up to Israel” and to provide “the constant flow of orders for weapons from the military-industrial complex at home, which is feeding a lot of money to the senators pushing for these wars”.

There’s more–a lot more, including photographs of Sen. John McCain with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. You can find dozens of them on the internet. In Washington, ISIS is widely known as “John McCain’s army”. So what’s wrong with a candidate for president making the point that his opponent and her most prominent support actually created ISIS?  Trump is right.


http://www.iranreview.org/cont ent/Documents/How-We-Know-ISIS -Was-MADE-IN-THE-USA-.htm

From Lewrockwell.com, here.