That Portrait of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

The popular likeness of Rashbi/Zohar author on various Kabbala paraphernalia…

It just hit me. Not the image; the realization: It’s patterned upon the ‘Kings’ suit on a regular deck of cards.

Needless to say, we cannot know what he looked like (although the Zohar reportedly describes his beard).

The Vote Is In!

Here is the list of articles our readers enjoyed most recently. Since I have not listed our popular posts for a few months, this list is longer than usual.

Note: I don’t mention which authors’ pages are frequented most.

יהודי עקשן

“He who has mercy on the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the merciful”

אשרי הדור שהגדולים נשמעים לקטנים

לעולם לא יהיו יותר מדי ישיבות

Hyehudi Daily Newsletter

ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה

Rabbi Shach’s False Bitachon and Poor Leadership

Rabbi Elyashiv’s Mesirah: It Didn’t Even Pay

Who Invented ‘Da’as Torah’?

Against Da’as Torah – Jewish Clericalism

Respect Must Be Earned

Mendacious Messianic Modalities

There is Something Fishy About the State

קלני מראשי קלני מזרועי


There is No Obligation to Trust Rabbi Zilberstein

Someone has to say this…

Anyone who reads current Torah literature, especially Parsha sheets, has come across the fantastical stories of Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein. He has written highly popular books of this material, including multi-volume “Aleinu Leshabe’ach”, “Barchi Nafshi, “Tuvecha Yabi’u”, and more. To believe his anecdotes we must assume:

  1. reality is far stranger than fiction – and not because of Rabbi Zilberstein’s wondrous imagination and story-telling abilities,
  2. all the amazing stories come solely to his doorstep,
  3. in incredible numbers, and
  4. he first hears an interesting Halachic dilemma, only then, with God’s help, locating some overly-ingenious solution and/or argument in the Torah sources.

And he assures us these are all actual cases which occurred, not custom-made fiction tales, like responsa Terumas Hadeshen.

I don’t buy it.

And not that something obvious needs proof, but I hear Rabbi Dov Landa of Slobodka has said he doesn’t believe Rabbi Zilberstein’s stories either.

This is What You Enjoy Reading

So, here are some of the latest popular articles here on

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ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה

Agudas Yisrael on Child Sex Abuse – The Record

קדושת ציון גליון #16

Mohammedan Influence Upon Popular Jewish Books

A Very Kind Letter

What Are Tariffs?

Against Da’as Torah – Jewish Clericalism

קהילת זילברמן – פרופיל

Guides to Halacha

Mendacious Messianic Modalities

Please keep returning. There’s more where these came from!