The Lubavicher Rebbe on Collecting Tzedaka

Fundraising and Fraud

“It is not proper to collect money in Israel for institutions that are outside of Israel. The money is needed in Israel. Additionally, every tzedaka fund should have separate people as its fundraiser and director. When it comes to peoples’ money given to tzedaka, one needs to be extremely careful to make sure that people will not be suspicious of fraud. This concern is in addition to bearing in mind what G-d says about the use of tzedaka funds.”

[Igros Kodesh Lubavitcher Rebbe vol. 21 letter 8165]

Two signatures required

“I was satisfied to hear that your tzedaka institution requires two signatures on any cheque written. This is in accordance with the instruction of our holy sages.”

[Igros Kodesh Lubavitcher Rebbe vol. 21 letter 7978]
Excerpted from Shirat Devorah, here.