Of Truth in Politics (Yes, It Exists!)

Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz of Kamenitz was once asked:

How come Parties exist and thrive with no truth to them at all (referring to the old-but-returning revolutionary style of all-encompassing Party identification, and see also Chayei Olam Part Two chap. 7)? Doesn’t the Gemara say (Shabbos 104b): קושטא קאי שיקרא לא קאי (Truth stands, falsehood does not)?

Answered Rabbi Baruch Ber with standard genius: Although various Parties’ positive claims about themselves are indeed false, the negative reports of each concerning that Party’s competitors are all true!


P.S., For those whom this reality reminder may discourage, never forget the glorious future!

Zohar vol. 2, 188a-188b:

אַדְכַּרְנָא חֲדָא זִמְנָא דַּהֲוֵינָא אָזִיל בַּהֲדֵי רִבִּי אֶלְעָזָר, פָּגַע בֵּיהּ הֶגְמוֹנָא, אֲמַר לֵיהּ לְרִבִּי אֶלְעָזָר, אַנְתְּ יַדְעַת מֵאוֹרַיְתָא דִּיְהוּדָאֵי. אֲמַר לֵיהּ יָדַעְנָא. אֲמַר לֵיהּ, לֵית אַתּוּן אַמְרִין דִּמְהֵימְנוּתָא דִּלְכוֹן קְשׁוֹט, וְאוֹרַיְיתְכוֹן קְשׁוֹט, וַאֲנָן דִּמְהֵימְנוּתָא דִּילָן שֶׁקֶר, וְאוֹרַיְיתָא דִּילָן שֶּׁקֶר. וְהָא כְּתִיב שְׂפַת אֱמֶת תִּכּוֹן לָעַד וְעַד אַרְגִּיעָה לְשׁוֹן שָׁקֶר. אֲנָן מִיּוֹמִין דְּעָלְמָא, קַיְימִין בְּמַלְכוּתָא, וְלָא אַעְדִּי מִינָן לְעָלְמִין, דָּרָא בָּתַר דָּרָא, תִּכּוֹן לָעַד וַדַּאי. וְאַתּוּן, זְעֵיר הֲוָה לְכוּ מַלְכוּתָא, וּמִיַּד אַעְדֵּי מִנְּכוֹן, וּקְרָא אִתְקָיָּים בְּכוּ דִּכְתִּיב וְעַד אַרְגִּיעָה לְשׁוֹן שָׁקֶר. אֲמַר לֵיהּ, חֲמֵינָא בָּךְ דְּאַנְתְּ חַכִּים בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא. תִּפַּח רוּחֵיהּ דְּהַהוּא גַּבְרָא. אִלּוּ אָמַר קְרָא, שְׂפַת אֱמֶת כּוֹנַנְתָּ לָעַד, הֲוָה כִּדְקַאמְרָן, אֲבָל לָא כְּתִיב אֶלָּא תִּכּוֹן, זְמִינָא שְׂפַת אֱמֶת דְּתִכּוֹן, מַה דְּלָאו הָכִי הַשְׁתָּא, דְּהַשְׁתָּא שְׂפַת שֶׁקֶר קַּיְימָא, וּשְׂפַת אֱמֶת שְׁכִיבָא לְעַפְרָא, וּבְהַהוּא זִמְנָא דֶּאֱמֶת יְקוּם עַל קִיוּמֵיהּ, וּמִגּוֹ אֶרֶץ תִּצְמַח, כְּדֵין שְׂפַת אֱמֶת תִּכּוֹן לָעַד וְגוֹ’. אֲמַר לֵיהּ הַהוּא הֶגְמוֹן, זַכָּאָה אַנְתְּ. וְזַכָּאָה עַמָּא דְּאוֹרַיְיתָא דִּקְשׁוֹט יָרְתִין. בָּתַר יוֹמִין שְׁמַעְנָא דְּאִתְגְּיַיר…

Rabbi Kook: Avoda Zara (and Existential Estrangement) Doesn’t FIT in Eretz Yisrael

Re’eih: Uprooting Idolatry in the Land of Israel

As a condition for inheriting the Land of Israel, the Torah demands that all forms of idolatry be destroyed:

“You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations whom you are driving out worship their gods…. You must tear down their altars, break up their sacred pillars, burn their Asheirah trees, and chop down the statues of their gods. You must obliterate their names from that place.” (Deut. 12:2-3)

The Torah stresses that this obligation to destroy idolatrous artifacts is primarily binding in the Land of Israel. As the Sages commented on the words, “You will obliterate their names from that place”:

“In the Land of Israel you are commanded to pursue idolatry [until it is totally eradicated], but not outside the Land.” (Sifri; see Maimonides, Laws of Idolatry 7:2)

Idolatry is clearly the antithesis of Judaism’s message of monotheism. The imperative to fight idolatry should not be limited to a particular location. So why does the Torah confine the eradication of idolatry to the Land of Israel?

Opposing Worldviews

The conflict between monotheism and idolatry is a contest between two fundamentally opposing worldviews. Idolatry sees the world as divided and fragmented, a place where competing gods/forces of nature clash and struggle with one another. In this bleak worldview, the material outweighs the spiritual, and life is reduced to the pursuit of physical wants.

Monotheism, on the other hand, teaches that the world has an underlying unity. As one’s sense of the universe’s inner harmony deepens, one’s longing for the spiritual grows stronger. Higher aspirations take on greater significance; the world advances and is progressively enlightened.

The Land of Israel and Monotheism

The Sages wrote that “The air of the Land of Israel makes one wise” (Baba Batra 158b). Eretz Yisrael is bound to the spiritual life of Israel, the Torah; and the essence of the Torah’s wisdom is the inner truth of a united reality. The special atmosphere of the Land of Israel instills greater awareness of the world’s unified foundation. For this reason, obliteration of idolatry is especially important in the Land of Israel.

Outside the Land of Israel, the harmonious vision of a unified world cannot be fully revealed. There, a fragmented worldview reigns, emphasizing division and isolation. A grim sense of existential estrangement pervades all aspects of life. Any attempt to reveal the hidden unity of the world is hindered by the “impurity of the lands of the nations.” The lands outside of Israel suffer from the foul odor of idolatry. The Sages wrote that Jews living outside the Land are “idol-worshippers in purity” (Avodah Zarah 8a). In other words, they are unintentionally influenced by the cultural environment of the foreign countries in which they live.

This distinction is also manifest in the difference between the Torah of Eretz Yisrael and the Torah of the exile. The Torah outside the Land excels in detailed arguments and the fine dialectics of pilpul. Its qualities reflect the general sense of divisiveness felt there.1 The Torah of the Land of Israel, on the other hand, is illuminated by a lofty wisdom that connects the details to their governing moral principles. “There is no Torah like the Torah of the Land of Israel” (Breishit Rabbah 16:7).

Only by residing in the Land of Israel can one be truly free from the influence of idolatry. The Torah explicitly links living in the Land and monotheistic faith:

“I took you out from the Land of Egypt in order to give you the Land of Canaan, to be your God” (Lev. 25:38).

(Sapphire from the Land of Israel. Adapted from Orot HaKodesh vol. II, pp. 423-424)

1 “Rabbi Oshaia taught: No’am refers to the scholars of Eretz Yisrael, who treat each other graciously (מנעימים) when engaged in halachic debates. Chovlim refers to the scholars of Babylon, who attack (מחבלים) each other when debating halachic issues” (Sanhedrin 24a).

From Rav Kook Torah, here.

How Long Until UKRAINE Starts Sending Aid to AMERICA?

More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart

There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had – at that time – provided to Ukraine. Attached to that is another clip showing the horrific state of several US major cities, including in Pennsylvania, California, and Ohio. The video of American cities is shocking: endless landscapes of filth, trash, homelessness, open fires on the street, drug-addicted zombies. It doesn’t look like the America most of us remember.

Watching Biden bragging about sending billions of dollars to corrupt leaders overseas with American cities looking like bombed-out Iraq or Libya is US foreign policy in a nutshell. The Washington elites tell the rest of America that they must “promote democracy” in some far-off land. Anyone who objects is considered in league with the appointed enemy of the day. Once it was Saddam, then Assad and Gaddafi. Now it’s Putin. The game is the same, only the names are changed.

What is seldom asked, is what is in this deal for those Americans who suffer to pay for our interventionist foreign policy. Do they really think a working American in Ohio or Pennsylvania is better off or safer because we are supposedly protecting Ukraine’s borders? I think most Americans would wonder why they aren’t bothering to protect our own borders.

A reported 200,000 illegals crossed the border into the US in July alone. You can believe they are learning quickly about the free money provided by the US government to illegals. They’ll probably get a voting card as well.

Last Friday the Pentagon announced that yet another $775 million would be sent to Ukraine. As Antiwar.com reported, it was the eighteenth weapons package to Ukraine in six months. Has there ever been a more idiotic US intervention in history?

Supporters of this proxy war may celebrate more aid to Ukraine, but the reality is that it is in no way aid to Ukraine. That’s not how the system works. It is money created out of thin air by the Fed and appropriated by Congress to be spent propping up the politically-connected military-industrial complex. It is a big check written by middle America to rich people who run Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Americans watch their budget being stretched to the limit while the Beltway fat-cats loosen their belts to continue enjoying the gravy train.

Bloomberg reported earlier this summer that inflation is costing the average American household more than $5,200 this year. Inflation is a tax on middle class and poor Americans. The wealthy – like those who run Raytheon and Lockheed Martin – always get the new money first, before prices go up. The rest of us watch as the dollar buys less and less.

As Washington salivates over fighting Russia in Ukraine, the rest of America feels like we’re becoming Zimbabwe. How long until it takes a trillion dollars for a loaf of bread? Will there be a run on wheelbarrows?

There is a way out. It’s called “non-interventionism.” The war in Ukraine was caused by the US regime change in 2014 and the neocon insistence that Ukraine join NATO. The State Department and CIA thought it was a great victory to overthrow the elected government, but meanwhile the rest of us get the bill. No NATO and not one more penny for Ukraine!

From LRC, here.