Ben Shapiro Classes 3 Groups of Habituated, House-Broken, Humbled Moderdox

Modern Orthodoxy’s Moral Failure by Ben Shapiro

19 Kislev 5783 – December 12, 2022

He refers to the ongoing failure in battling the Sedom Agenda.

His words:

  1. Secular Orthodox
  2. Nervous Orthodox
  3. Clumsy Orthodox

Read it here…

Just in time for Chanukah, too!

I don’t know if I agree with it all. But it’s way past time for some bold, divisive, antiestablishment cris de coeur (cries from the heart)!

Truth is, it doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do. Rabbi Akiva Yosef Shlesinger was right. Shortly after he saw the Enlightenment penetrate Jewry he gave up on the diaspora as totally hopeless and encouraged the faithful to move to Eretz Yisrael and start afresh.

תיקוני עירובין גליון 346#

גליון שאלות הלכתיות המתחדשות מידי שבוע בבדיקת העירובים השכונתיים

השבוע בגליון: התקנת עירוב במלון על חוף הים למרות שהאורחים לא התלוננו / בחוף הים העמוד מחליד ונהרס / האחראי ביקש למתוח כמה חוטים והגלה שיש הרבה קלקולים / צוה”פ עם שני חוטים אחד שוקע והשני מתוח / לחי שנמצא מהצד האחורי של העמוד / עירוב עם תל המתלקט ואנשים עשו מעבר לרדת לבית במורד התל / תושב שחיבר לקיר קרש באורך 30 ס”מ לשמש עמוד של עירוב

סגירת הגשר ברחוב ז’בוטינסקי בבני ברק, והבעיה שנוצרה לתושבי פרדס כץ / חומרת הטלטול והאם מותר לתת לגוי שיטלטל / עגלה שהגוי העביר לבני ברק אסור להכניס אותה לבית.

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Reprinted with permission.

The Wicked Greek Kingdom Then and Today…

Are The Greeks Still Nursing a Grudge Against Jews for Chanukah?


It’s September in Sparta, and the merciless Mediterranean sun beats down on the assembled crowd. The observer picks up a mingling of Greek and Hebrew words and phrases. Pleasantries are exchanged, with promises to keep in touch and strengthen cooperation and friendship and the like. This conference, titled SPARTA-ISRAEL CONFERENCE 2018: Renewing an Ancient Friendship, took place this previous September and was organized by the Greek branch of the fraternal B’nai Brith Organization.
The advertisers of this conference drew on history and current geopolitical realities to encourage an alliance between modern-day Jews and Greeks. The choice of Sparta as the location for this conference may have been deliberate. The brochure reads:
“At about 300 BC, a wise and long-reigning leader, King Areus of Sparta, sent a letter to the High Priests of Jerusalem addressing them as brothers and proposing a friendly alliance between the two peoples. The Areus initiative and ensuing consistent events are recorded in the Book of the Maccabees and the History of the Jewish People by the historian Josephus Flavius. Following the strong and long-standing symbolism of the above, the Sparta-Israel Forum aims to further promote Hellenic-Israeli cooperation within a worldwide horizon and toward the mutual benefit of the two historical peoples.”
What are these mentioned letters all about?
In the ancient Second Book of Maccabees, Chapter 12, verse 20–23 there is an interesting passage:
“Arius, king of the Spartans, sends greetings to Onias (Chonyo), the chief priest. It has been found in a writing concerning the Spartans and Jews that they are a kinsmen, and that they are descended from Abraham. Now since we have learned this, please write us about your welfare. We for our part write you that your cattle and property are ours and ours are yours. So we command them to report to you to this effect.”
Josephus also quotes this letter and also records correspondence between the Spartans and both Simon the Hasmonean and his brother Jonathan.

היום: הסבר והדגמה של הדלקת מנורת המקדש

הלכה למעשה | מוזמנים לכנס ה-40 לחקר המקדש

מכון המקדש וישיבת המקדש מזמינים את הציבור לכנס לקראת חנוכה • שיעורים והרצאות • הסבר והדגמה של הדלקת מנורת המקדש • יום חמישי, כ”א בכסלו בשעה 17:00 • משגב לדך 40, ירושלים

בן למואל – יום שלישי, י”ט כסלו ה’תשפ”ג

פרטים במודעה:

Pandemic Amnesty: Why So Vague?!

Some Want Amnesty. What Do YOU Say?

A call for amnesty unleashed the exact opposite.

Call To Action

TLDR: The Amnesty Testimonies Project is documenting people’s responses to the article published in The Atlantic about Pandemic Amnesty. Send us your stories and your response to that request here

Submit Your Response

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, The Atlantic published an article earlier this week that called for “Pandemic Amnesty”. There have been many great analyses about why this shift in the narrative is occurring now, but regardless of what motivated the article, it opened a Pandora’s box that can’t be closed.

Eternally Hopeful 1776 @hopecrolius
The Atlantic then and now.

The sheer anger that was sparked by this article is a sign that the Covid Class has no choice but to continue to gaslight the rest of us for as long as they possibly can. Igor Chudov wrote a great response to the article and received almost 1000 comments on his Substack.

Igor’s Newsletter
The Atlantic is Asking for “Pandemic Amnesty” and Forgiveness
Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for “Pandemic Amnesty”. How interesting. The Atlantic is one of the most forward-looking and yet curated publications and they do not publish rubbish and random musings. And now they have a prominent author asking for “amnesty” and forgiveness…
Read more

The comments, on Mr. Chudov’s Substack and elsewhere, are filled with devastating personal stories, and an outpouring of emotions and feelings. The Amnesty Testimonies Project is here to document these stories for journalistic and historical reasons. The responses are a window into the will of millions of people to never be controlled like that again and ensure that the experiment of global tyranny disguised as “public health” will never be attempted in the future.

Full Article Here

From Etana, here.