On Miraculous Rebbe Stories

There is an old Chasidic “teaching”:

“If someone believes all the stories of the Baal Shem Tov, he is a fool. If he says none of them could have happened, then he is an apikoros.”

A young friend made the following comment. I don’t agree, but it’s valuable enough to reproduce (as best as I can in my words):

Chassidim typically tell miraculous tales of their greats… they call it Kefitzas Haderech, (…) and performing various other wonders. This is what they pride themselves in.

Non-Chassidim, on the other hand, tell stories consisting of difficult personal sacrifice, such as the Gra fasting three days because he couldn’t understand a Yerushalmi, and being able to review Shas in a day.

Now, the stories of the Chassidim I might be able to believe of Torah greats. After all, there is a precedent for similar things in Chazal, and the Torah’s power is very great indeed. But the stories told of our spiritual giants I cannot under any circumstances believe of them!