Laugh and Cry: What’s Worse, Neveilos or Arayos?!

Here’s an extract from a parody illustrating our upside-down set of priorities at Frum Follies:

Monsey Rabbis Restore Hashgachah to Vendor of Treyf Chickens (Satire)

Rav Chelm based his ruling on the halachic response to child molesting. In those cases, if there was no abuse for three years and the offender expressed regret he is assumed to now be safe to work with children. This is even true if he was not subjected to public humiliation, expulsion from town and forfeiting money…

Many in the community were outraged, but they were warned not to say loshon horah. Besides, they were assured that rabbis “would keep an eye out him” just as they do with repentant molesters.

Read the rest of it here.