Better First Aid for Child Molestation

What is the first thing a Jew must do in case of sexual child abuse? Call the cops! Of course.

But as a Jew who believes that the police should not exist in their current, public form, this doesn’t inspire enthusiasm. How are the police doing in all other areas…? The only reason to use their services is that the only choice is between that and nothing. If, and when, competing, private security firms and courts are decriminalized and unhampered, government excesses and shortcomings in this area become unforgivable.

This includes:

So what?

So going to the police will not always be the right move, and, even in the present time, perhaps not in every country on the globe. If you can wrangle something other than sterilization and\or welfare until parole, this might be the answer.

Society as a Safeguard Against Sin

I don’t recall the precise social-science terminology for the following concept, but there must be some neat one. Anyway, the Mishna in Avos says to acquire a friend. Rabbenu Yonah ‘on site’ explains one aspect of this advice, using a known Talmudic principle (in a wider sense): אין אדם חוטא ולא לו; one does not sin for another’s benefit. Therefore, having a friend, even one no more righteous than myself exerts a degree of pressure on me to refrain from transgressing.

That is, sin is a selfish endeavor. Or, put in a spiritual way, my friend’s evil inclination does not lead him to encourage me. What is left? The less subjective nature of wrongdoing; harmful in this world, the next world, or both.

As the Gemara says: כשאדם עובר עבירה אומר ולוואי שלא יראני אדם

Don’t Give a Finger!

Aryeh Deri Gets Even More Evil – Requires All Jews To Give Fingerprints to the State By Force

Surprise surprise. The biometric ID trial run was a success, and now Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, Yemach Shmo, is going to require every single Israeli citizen to give him their fingerprints by force.

I am going to say this once, and I am not saying bli neder.

I will burn my fingerprints away in acid before I give them to the State of Israel.

If Deri wants to tattoo a number on my arm, he’ll have to hold me down and put me under general anesthesia.

I urge everyone to passively fight the State on this and do not give these kappos your fingerprints of your own free will. No violence, just passive resistance. And if you have the courage to burn your fingerprints off with acid before they can take them, I would encourage that.

Absolutely no violence should be taken against Deri, but if God chooses to take him away from this world, as Pavel Chekov said to Scotty from the bowels of a nuclear vessel, “Now would be a good time.”

This does not constitute a curse against Deri, in case that is illegal. May he live forever, as Leonidas once said. I love him, of course, along with all selfless public servants. Praised Be Their Holy Names.

From The Jewish Libertarian, here.