Full Judaism Includes Zionism

… Many refer to nationhood as foreign to Judaism (anti-Zionism), when they are, in fact, presenting a choice between Zionism sans truncated Judaism vs. truncated Judaism sans Zionism, rejecting only the former of this Hobson’s choice.

  • A quote from a letter I just wrote someone

Socialism is Trespassing (‘Nizkei Shcheinim’)

The Ecological Poison of Democratic Socialism

Latin America is once again demonstrating the social poison of “democratic socialism,” the ideology that won Bernie Sanders more than 13 million votes in the Democratic primaries.  Socialism – democratic or otherwise – is not only destructive of a nation’s economy, as history proved over and over again during the twentieth century; it is also ecological poison.  After the worldwide collapse of socialism in the late 1980s/early 1990s, we got a first look at what a country’s environment under a socialist system that banned private profit-making for decades looked like.  In a word, it was a catastrophe, as described in books with titles like “Ecocide in the U.S.S. R.”

The world learned that the socialist countries dumped untreated sewage into their rivers, streams, and lakes for decades; the Volga River in Russia was so polluted that boat were equipped with signs warning against throwing cigarettes in the water for fear the chemical-laden water would catch fire; factories had no pollution controls whatsoever; massive fish kills were routine; and the Polish Academy of Sciences reported that by the early 1990s one-third of the Polish people lived in areas of “ecological disaster.”

The old theory that the pursuit of profit in an unregulated economy is the root cause of pollution was shattered.  Unlike capitalist countries that hold polluters legally responsible for the damage they cause to others, in socialist countries politicians who are responsible for polluting nationalized industries bear little or no responsibility for it.  Government ownership of natural resources means, in effect, no one owns them, and when resources are all one big commons they are inevitably overused, abused, and exploited.  The absence of property rights and a sound liability law system is a recipe for ecological disaster, as all socialist countries have proven and continue to prove.

When a horrible accident created a deadly oil platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, privately-owned British Petroleum immediately created a $20 billion fund that it knew it would need for payment of damages.  In contrast, when the Mexican government creates far worse environmental and human disasters in the Gulf of Mexico it routinely does nothing by claiming “sovereign immunity.”  In the first five months of 2015 alone Pemex, the Mexican nationalized oil company, caused three catastrophic oil rig explosions that resulted in several deaths, numerous injuries to platform workers, and air and water pollution.  The Mexican government incredibly claimed that there were no oil spills, which was quickly proven to be a lie by satellite images of a three-mile-long oil slick provided by Greenpeace Mexico.

Television coverage of the Summer Olympics in Brazil is about to showcase the horrific pollution problems in that country, which has been ruled for many years by the “democratic socialist” Workers Party, which proudly proclaims “revolutionary socialism” to be its defining ideology.  In addition to creating some of the worst poverty in the world, the Brazilian government has turned that country’s once-beautiful beaches into stinking cesspools.

An August 2 article in the Daily Mail by Gareth Davies reported on a study of pollution in Rio de Janeiro on the eve of the Olympics which found the following:

  • Athletes have been told not to put their heads under water.
  • Viral levels in Guanabara Bay, where the triathlon will take place, are 1.7 million times higher than health-hazard levels in the U.S. and Europe.
  • Rubbish in some of the bays is so thick that you cannot see the water and rats live on top of the floating rubbish.
  • A floating corpse and a severed arm were recently spotted floating in Guanabara Bay.
  • There are extremely high levels of viruses in the sand on the beaches.
  • The virus level in Gloria Marina, where the sailing races will begin, are several thousand times higher than danger levels in the U.S.
  • “Black tongues of fetid, sewage-filled water” are “common” on “tony” Ipanema Beach.
  • Vast islands of sewage sludge are seen at low tide, dumped there by residential high-rise apartment buildings.
  • Many rivers are “tar black” from pollution.

Such ecological nightmares have become common in other Latin American “showcases” of “democratic” socialism.  Venezuela suffers from massive deforestation and its Lake Maracaibo is heavily polluted with 10,000 gallons of sewage per second dumped into it from the two million residences that surround the lake.  More than 800 companies, mostly related to the government’s nationalized oil industry, are permitted to dump industrial waste into the lake.  Massive Lake Valencia is also said to be “massively polluted,” and the government-run oil company, PDVSA, has reportedly filled more than 15,000 oil pits with contaminated sludge from oil wells that will inevitably seep into the ground water.

One lesson that all the Bernie Sanders-following millennials need to learn is that “democratic” socialism can not only destroy their economic future; it can also inflict irreparable harm on their natural environment.  Socialism is always and everywhere an economic and environmental disaster.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

‘Who Spares His Rod Hates His Son’

A Personal Example

Chinuch – Childrearing – begins with birth. The first few years are the time to lay the groundwork for all future behavior.
One of the most complicated tasks facing parents is chinuch – proper child rearing. Considering that chinuch begins with a child’s birth and continues for close to, if not more than, two decades, it’s far from being quick and simple!
As parents, our task is to prepare our children for the future, giving them foundations that will last them their entire life. Accomplishing this is a continuous and formidable challenge facing parents on a daily basis.
Chinuch is often mentioned in the Torah, for example, “And you shall make [these statues] known to your sons and your son’s sons (Devarim/Deuteronomy 4),” “and you shall teach them diligently to your children (Ibid. 6:7).”
In the Talmud we find, “May Rabbi Yehoshua ben Gamla be remembered favorably, for if not for him, Torah might have been forgotten from the Jewish people… He established that the community must hire Torah teachers for the children in every province and every city.” (Masechet Bava Batra 21a). This was probably the first comprehensive, nationwide system of compulsory education in world history.
Chinuch begins with birth. The first few years are the time to lay the groundwork for all future behavior. Children are the most astute observers! They absorb everything they see and hear and then internalize these observations to create their personality. From their parents, they learn habits that will remain with them for their entire life.
For that reason, it is extremely important that even when a child is very young, parents must do their best to impart proper values and to behave ethically. Since parents are their children’s main role models, it becomes obvious that the children’s chinuch begins with the parents’ chinuch!
Children do not learn ethical and proper behavior through listening to lectures or discourses. They learn from observing their parents! When a parent behaves in an unethical or irresponsible manner, the impression deeply impacts their children’s souls, influencing their future behavior.
Clarify and Uproot!
It’s up to us to clarify what moral principles we want to instill in our children, and then perfect ourselves in them, so that we will become the type of role model we want them to imitate. This chinuch is based on the parents’ commitment to personal character development.
If we don’t want to see negative character traits in our children, we must first uproot them from ourselves. We need to learn to be careful in how we express ourselves, in both speech and deed. If we, as parents, are lax in certain behaviors, we certainly can’t criticize our children about them!
“He who spares the rod hates his child” (Mishlei 13:24). If we spare the rod of mussar – ethical exhortation – from ourselves, we are demonstrating a lack of concern for our children’s development.
When children hear words of rebuke from their parents while observing behavior deserving of that rebuke, they become confused by the hypocrisy. Hypocrisy destroys chinuch!  When faced with imitating what they’ve seen or what they’ve been told, children almost invariably choose to model the behavior that they’ve seen in the home, and then continue to educate their own children in the same way.
Modern democratic societies are concerned about the education of its citizens. But even more important than formal education is the chinuch that children receive at home.

גם סבסוד הוא מס!

מיתוס “נטל המס הנמוך בישראל” – איך גובים מאתנו מס “בלי שנרגיש”

לעיתים קרובות אנחנו נתקלים בטבלאות וגרפים כמו הטבלה שבהמשך. טבלאות מלומדות אלה מציגות שנטל המס בישראל נמוך יחסית “לעולם”. גם ועדת טרכטנברג שקמה בעקבות “המחאה החברתית” של 2011 הגיעה למסקנה שנטל המס בישראל נמוך דיו ולכן צריך לחדול מקיצוצי מיסים. “נטל המס הנמוך בישראל” הוא הבסיס לדרישת “החברתיים” להגדלת “ההוצאה האזרחית” כמקובל “במדינות אירופה הנאורות“.

איך לוקחים מאתנו יותר כסף אבל גם מקטינים את נטל המס? 

לכאורה דבר והיפוכו – מסתבר שזה בהחלט אפשרי ולרשות הממשלה עומדים מספר כלים כדי לבלבל אותנו עם נפנוף בדגל המטעה של  “נטל המס הנמוך בישראל”.  למעשה מדובר במצג שווא, המתעלם מהדרכים הרבות והסמויות שבהן הממשלה שולחת את ידה לכיסנו מבלי שנרגיש בכך. קיים מס הסמוי מן העין, שאיננו מופיע בתלוש המשכורת שלנו ואיננו חלק מהמע”מ שאנו משלמים בסופרמרקט או במוסך.

הנה דוגמה: הממשלה מחליטה להשתלב ב”מאבק” הבינלאומי להקטנת “התחממות כדור הארץ” ולהשקיע מיליארדים רבים במתקני הפקת חשמל מהשמש. למה הממשלה צריכה להשקיע? כי השטות הזאת לא כדאית כלכלית ושום יזם בעולם לא מוכן להשקיע ב”עסק” מכספו מבלי שהרווח יובטח על ידי המדינה.

כדי לסבסד את “המשקיעים באנרגיה חלופית”, המדינה הייתה צריכה להעלות את מס ההכנסה, לגבות יותר מיסים ולשלוח צ’ק בדואר “למשקיעים” – בדיוק כפי שנותנים מענקים לחברת אינטל להקמת מפעל בקריית גת מתוך תקציב המדינה.

אז מה אפשר לעשות כדי לסבסד את “המשקיעים באנרגיה חלופית” מבלי להטיל מיסים נוספים עלינו? מחייבים כל משפחה בישראל להעביר מידי שנה מאות שקלים ישירות ל”משקיעים” ולא דרך תקציב המדינה. איך? דרך חשבון החשמל. מאלצים את חברת חשמל לקנות את החשמל הסולארי מה”יזמים” במחיר גבוה במיוחד ולשם כך מיקרים מלאכותית את מחיר החשמל. נטל סבסוד האנרגיה הסולארית מוטל ישירות על צרכני החשמל. כך “נטל המס” נשאר נמוך אבל לנו זה עולה יותר!

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר קו ישר, כאן.